
Allen's great circle trip

Florida Treasure Coast
Pensacola, Florida

Elegant Living Indoors and Out.
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We started out as on a six hour cruise the captain was as the helm. Even after a two hour delayed start when we entered entering Pensacola Bay the day was bright and sunny and everything was fine. As we entered the bay we knew our days cruse was nearing its end. 

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 But Mother Nature had surprise in store for us.
Clouds began to roll in, the sun began to set, the winds began to blow at gale force (40-50 mph), and the waves began to break over the helm.  As darkness began to engulf us the light to read our maps began fading and our visibility was reduced to less than 200 feet.

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Can you see the cranes?

A call to the harbormaster resulted in very explicit directions; head north toward the two cranes after passing them turn west and you'll be in the harbor.  Great instructions if you could see something other than water splashing over the helm and pitch darkness.

     Next comes a warning from the harbor master to be on the alert for the unlit buoys, but don't worry it's a piece of cake.  Now is the time for back ups our GPS and radar.  Once these were turned on the helmsman stated "I can get us there now, it's a piece of cake."  The next seven miles was spent with eyes glued on the instruments and the spot light feebly searching our forward course.  The ever helpful harbor master informs us that a few of the sail boaters had hung Christmas lights from their boats. The closer we came to the shore Mother Nature began to have pity on us and diminished her winds and increased our visibility.  There they were those two cranes he had been talking about for the last forty five minutes.  Passing the cranes and making our westward turn were two of the most beautiful Christmas Trees we had ever seen; sailboats are so beautiful with strands of colored lights.  

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After tying up and Winston had been given a tour of the dog walk Lee stamped his foot and blurted out "By golly we're eating out tonight!" 
and Winston saying 
"Boy, his feet smell".

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The crane we were looking for in the dark.

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Damaged Power Squadron flag after battling the 40-50 mile wind storm. 

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Damage flag of the sailboat after she came in from 147 miles out. 

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The Fish House where we eat at Lee's request.

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The marina was centrally located to the down town and the Historical District.

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The Winter Fest Map of the tour of the town business on the trolley.

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Red Neck Christmas complete with dancers was Lee's favorite.

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You don't have to worry about the needles falling off a Red Neck Christmas tree.

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The Grinch who stole Christmas was a popular stop for many on the trolley..

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Elvis Impersonator performs on this fire truck. Allen thinks he can do as good. 
He stands along in his thinking. 

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Cold ladies singing on the at the end of the tour.

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Shirley working  on repairing a window for a home being renovated in the Historic District.

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Solders barracks in the heart of the historic district where Spain seceded Florida to the United States.

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Allen using the front pouch of a building to catch up on the gossip back home.

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We bid a fond farewell to Pensacola and eagerly head out for our next adventure.

Return to Florida's Treasure Coast.

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Elegant Living Indoors and Out.


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